Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, November 3rd

It was a very eventful day for Mom. They took her off her IV fluids and antibiotics. She stayed awake most of the day leaving her nap for the afternoon. She is speaking more and sitting up in bed instead of laying down.

Rick says she is feisty and Beth says she is stronger. Dad got her out of bed and put her in the chair for dinner. She pushed the nurses button and the nurse asked if she could help her. Mom said that she wanted her to come see her sitting in the chair :-) She started eating dinner and something got stuck in her throat. That didn't help her breathing any so she didn't eat anymore.

The biggest news of the day . . . wait for it . . . .

I called and spoke to Mom. She spoke on the phone!! Something that she wouldn't have contemplated a few days ago. She said things are looking up and she was going home!!! It won't be tomorrow but soon.

Mom will have a daily home health care nurse and they are getting a hospital bed in. That will be a big help for Dad.

I called and spoke to her nurse just to see what they thought. She said that there is a huge difference between a week ago and now.

So all your prayers have definitely helped. I believed it would be a miracle if she ever went home again. Well, we are witnessing a miracle. She still has a ways to go but for her to go home is miraculous! Thank you all for your prayers and support. We appreciate it very much.

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